Monday 15 April 2013

The BBC Radio Suffolk Rubbish Diet goes live!

After months of preparation, today the BBC Radio Suffolk Rubbish Diet was finally up and running.  And it started with Mark Murphy's early morning tweet just after he'd finished that banana!

Following the launch on Terry Baxter's breakfast show, listeners were already calling into the studio to register for their information packs.  That was exciting enough but as soon as Mark's morning show kicked off numbers started to double, then triple, then quadruple.  The final numbers from today haven't come through yet but I am very confident that our first goal of 100 households across Suffolk will soon be in sight.  Now that is a really brilliant start to our county's Rubbish Diet challenge!

However, this is not just about numbers, it's about engagement too and Mark's listeners and contributors were great, with support coming in from businesses as well as households, including the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds, the Bury Free Press and Abbeycroft Leisure Centre.  We heard about our first Rubbish Diet blogger too, BFP's Lesley's Anslow's very own rubbish diary, which you can find at

Although this week is focusing on getting the word out and encouraging sign-ups, we also got a taster of the questions that people have and the things that confuse residents the most and we'll be tackling these in Week 1 of the challenge, starting next Monday.  There was also feedback from one resident who highlighted that their communal refuse area didn't even have any recycling bins, but that was soon resolved thanks to a link up to their district council. 

If you missed Mark's show today, you can catch up on iPlayer.  Please do have a listen!  With recordings of us standing on landfill and of me delving into the Murphy-Dolphin bin and the station's very own kitchen bin, you'll be glad the wafts don't carry down the radio airwaves.  Stinky bins - ewwww!
And do tune in tomorrow.  You won't want to miss EADT columnist Lynne Mortimer.  That is sure to be comedy gold!

If you want to register, you can do so at our website - even if you don't live in Suffolk.  However if you do live in Suffolk and want to share your news with the show, email Mark Murphy or call the studio while he's on-air on 01473 212121 (weekdays, 9am-12:30pm).


The BBC Radio Suffolk Rubbish Diet is also featured in today's BBC Suffolk online news, where you'll read about one of our residents who doesn't even have a landfill bin.


  1. شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقصيم
    نعلم جيداً بأن الحشرات هي أسوأ المخلوقات الحية على وجه الأرض ولذلك حذرنا منها الله عز وجل ورسوله، طبيعي أن كل إنسان لا يرغب في أن يؤذي أسرته وعائلته بترك الحشرات تتسلل إلى منزله بهذه الطرق المقززة، لذا ننصح كل من يعانون من وجود الحشرات في منازلهم أن يستعينوا بواحدة من أكبر شركات مكافحة الحشرات بالقصيم.
    فلأن شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقصيم لديها أحدث الطرق التي تساعدها في أعمال مكافحة حشرات والتخلص منها بشكل نهائي دون عودة للمكان مرة أخرى، فهي تعمل على استخدام أنواع مختلفة من المرشات والتي تكون من الأدوات الهام استخدامها في عملية إبادة الحشرات فهي تصل إليها في كل أرجاء المنزل إضافة إلى أنواع المبيدات عالية الجودة.
